I’ve been a rebel, a seeker, and an artist for the entirety of my existence, an entrepreneur for over two decades (both online and off) and a mentor/advisor to women for 13 years officially (and most of my life, unofficially) 

The status quo of our patriarchal society has never made sense to me, and freedom has always been my modus operandi. The only thing I ever wanted was to do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want, with whom I want. 

My commitment to this ideal has inspired some radical life experiments (to put it mildly. lol). 

It’s plunged me down the rabbit holes of world religion & history, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, hermetics and all manners of occult studies. It’s taken me to some extreme places; across the world and back again many times, to the highest peaks and lowest valleys; lost and found, lost and found…. 

always (always) evolving my understanding of what freedom actually means to me, deepening my lived wisdom and expanding me into newer iterations of myself. 

Wildly creative, thought-leading, black sheep-y type women are who I work with because the truth is this…

We were never supposed to fit in. We were always meant to do things differently. We were born to be leaders of new ways. We are designed to travel revolutionary roads. 

I believe the whole of humanity would greatly benefit from more of us being well-resourced, wholly expressed, and with full personal agency. 

As women, I intend for us to be so free from shame & conditioning, so confident in who we really are, so filthy rich (as defined by us), so in our hearts & bodies, so fully expressed, self-led and freakin powerful… that it’s OFFENSIVE

(to the patriarchy)

I do this through writing, speaking, mentoring and facilitating conversations about personal power & self leadership, in business and beyond.

My work and my people

I work with the revolutionary ones who are called to a different way.

The ones who yearn for the miraculous; who dare wander down roads less traveled to find it.

Insatiably curious students of life, lovers of wisdom, agents of change, seekers of truth.

The audacious ones who get back up, one more time; who refuse to give up on what they’re meant for.

My body of work is vast, deep, and best suited for the ones who easily understand that life and humans are multi-faceted, nuanced, and paradoxical.

It’s for the ones willing to dive deep one conversation at a time, one day at a time, for the long haul — for those committed to creating lasting change.

In this work, the energetic & spiritual meet the practical… and pure magic is made. 

With our toes deep in the soils of the earth and our heads soaring in the clouds, we rise above antiquated paradigms to change our lives and the lives of others, for the way better.